You are sat at a table full of poker 'experts' and eventually one of them will come out with a pearl of wisdom that lets you know that this guy hasn't got a clue what he is doing or talking about.
If you have your own story then send it to and they will make sure we get it so we can add it to the collection.
Here is a compilation of some of the very best poker 'wisdom' you are likely to hear.

Southport Genting Casino. Friday night £20 'semi-freezeout'.
I was out of the hand but saw a big preflop raise (5x bb) and only the Big Blind called him. The flop was Ace high, rainbow.
The big blind, with some advanced play I have not seen before, puts in a min bet. The original raiser makes it around 3/4 of the pot and the BB shoves all in, only to be insta-called.
The original raiser has pocket Aces, for trips, and the big blind has, incredibly, 8-7 of clubs, which means he can only win with a runner runner flush (he didn't even have a back door straight draw).
Sure enough, clubs hit the turn and river and the flush takes it down.
I say to him "don't you hate it when you represent the Ace and the other guy actually has it?"
To which, his legendary reply was "No. This dealer always deals loads of clubs. You watch."
Annoyingly, the very next hand saw 4 clubs on the board!
Jon Holmes
I was playing a £15 semi freezeout at my local casino.
There was a raise a reraise and a 4-bet. The flop came 7-7-3 and all the money went in.
The 4 bettor tabled K-K while the other guy turned over Q-7!!!
When the hand was over 1 of the players asked him why he stayed in the hand to which he replied, 'well I noticed a lot of 7s have been coming out!!!'
Frank Geraldson
£15 freezeout at my local casino. Only about 32 runners and I wasn't foolish enough to think there were any especially good players there.
This was confirmed when a player, not in the hand, commented after one hand had finished.
The flop had been 7-8-9 and one player had bet, got re-raised and then shoved all in, only to be called.
As the hands were shown, the original raiser has 10-6 for a flopped straight and the other player had a flush draw, which hit on the turn.
Our hero looked at the player that had the straight and declared " I knew you had the nuts but wondered whether he had a bigger nuts"
Excellent reading skills and poker wisdom.
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